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More information.
...similar in many ways to KVM extenders. They extend the output from a computer to a VGA monitor or projector located at a distance. The main differences are that they do not transmit keyboard and mouse data and that they often split the video and aud...
...your new DFP display to work at its best, it must be connected to a DVI video interface. You should upgrade the video card in your PC when you buy your new video monitor. Your KVM switches should also support DVI if you plan to use them with DFPs.
...kabel forbindes til en KVM extender. • Der er to forskellige CAT5e og CAT6 kabel konstruktioner på markedet. Den første er refereret som en ”2+2”, hvor to af de fire par har samme elektriske længde, de andre to par har hver for sig forskellige læng...
...the right switch.. • In KVM extension applications where you want to distribute HD video across a network, you need to understand how it works and what kind of networking equipment to use with your extenders. • Think of your network as a river of da...
...sharing (often called “KVM extension”) applications. These types of extenders feature keyboard/mouse emulation and emulation for other standard HID devices, while providing easy access to single-, dual-, or quad-head computers — ideal for applicati...