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More information.
...Black Box: tailor-made KVM extension for distances of up to 10,000 meters • DKM Extender allows for loss-free transmission of video, audio and USB signals • Hallbergmoos, February 2, 2011 – • With the innovative DKM Extenders, Black Box, the IT and... the building can receive video content through connection to the LAN. In addition to AV-over-IP solutions such as the MediaCento IPX, Black Box has a host of ProAV solutions, such as HDMI matrix switches, scalers, and video wall controllers as well as many KVM switches and can be integrated into most existing infrastructures without problems. With their perfect compatibility to the digital switch matrix ServSwitch DKM FX from Black Box, the extenders can not only be used to ext...
...senest en Servswitch-løsning der gør serverbetjeningen meget mere fleksibel. • "Vi har i dag hen ved 80 servere i flere systemer, som vi skal kunne arbejde med. Tidligere ville det have krævet skærm, mus og tastatur til hver server, me...
...arbejdsmiljø. • En KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) løsning giver en optimal udnyttelse af IT udstyret på skrivebordet. Med en KVM switch kan du nøjes med at have én skærm, mus og tastatur – selvom du arbejder med flere computere. Og i kombination ...
...into sensible heat. • ServSwitch DKM • The DKM is our flagship matrix switch, providing instantaneous high-definition switching for applications where video quality is paramount. Utilising catx up to 140 metres and fibre cabling up to 10 km, the D...
...Det er primært KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) Switche, CAT5 KVM Extendere samt AV udstyr, TV 2/Danmark benytter. • TV 2/Danmark • 's nyhedsstudie er blandt de steder, hvor • TV 2/Danmark • bruger Black Box produkter. For at nyhedsværterne ikk...
...and solar power. • KVM Solutions • These multiple methods of power generation all need monitoring and controlling, and this is an area in which • Black Box KVM solutions • can provide expertise. • Read more about KVM Solutions in the Energy Sec...
...Black Box de første KVM switche, og lige siden har Black Box Danmark udviklet en stor kompetence og knowhow inden for KVM løsninger. Gennem årene er det blevet til mange spændende og kreative løsninger i blandt andet serverrum, kontrolrum og ala...