...modular KVM extender series for the loss-free transmission of audio and video signals over distances of up to 10,000 meters (via single-mode cables). Besides digital video with a resolution of up to 2048 x 1152 at 60 Hz, the devices extend analog...
...interface card. It enables the transparent transmission of USB 2.0 data as well as full HD DVI video (at a resolution of up to 2048x1152), mouse, and keyboard over a single CATx cable and over a distance of up to 140 meters. The transparent tranfer...
...Undgå nedsmeltning af serverrum selv når kølingen svigter • Arbejdernes Landsbank • er blandt landets 10 største. Det stiller store krav til IT-afdelingen når 1.000 medarbejdere skal udføre deres job. Bankens centrale anlæg er særligt sikret og ov...
...systems that require Server Access Modules (adapters that hang off the back of each PC or server) and various types of accessories for mounting and access, users may mistakenly read a marketing article that tries to sell them a switch only and do...
...are only some examples for keeping the computer from “the harm’s way“ or to provide a productive and ergonomic work environment. • 2. Traditional KVM Extender technologies of yesterday and today • In the early days, the simple extension cables ...
...systems, where each server is directly connected to all the other servers in the blade chassis. Since there are only two end-node devices on each link, collisions can't occur, and performance is high, while latency is very low. Unfortunately, su...
...to provide access to servers across the corporate network has grown. Initially KVM solutions used the physical infrastructure as their communications path, utilising the raw copper or fibre cabling to provide point to point extension. • However, ...
...select a channel server (using the iCOMPEL unit’s channel folder, a USB flash memory folder, or an FTP site), and more. In addition, it explains how to connect a Web browser to a subscriber and how to set up the subscriber so it ”knows” where...
...serial devices • Serial servers enable you to use your network to connect to serial devices over very long distances—as far as your network stretches. It’s even possible to control serial devices across the Internet. Serial servers act as virtual se...
...Black Box sikrer smidig serveradgang • Farvandsvæsenet • er en højteknologisk virksomhed, der arbejder med mange IT-tunge emner, som kræver en sikker og stabil hardware. • Firmaet • Black Box A/S • i Køge har i en årrække leveret hardware og service...