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More information.
Our KVM products provide optimised access to servers and workstations in mobile studios.
With the limited space and weight in mind, we ensure our KVM products are easily accessible for mobile teams.
How is a KVM solution designed for mobile broadcast and OB vans?
Our compact KVM Switching and Extension systems are lightweight for ease of use in SNGs and OBVs whilst a switch ensures full access to these systems without limiting functionality.
How does KVM optimise mobile broadcast transmissions?
KVM technology minimises the number of monitors and keyboards you need, freeing up space in OBVs and reducing the weight load. Additionally, brand new InvisaPC technology provides integrated real-time access to virtual desktops, resulting in more space and less weight, noise and heat. Users benefit from high resolution images and full control of applications.
InvisaPC is an IP-based system with very low bandwidth requirements, meaning great demands aren’t made on networks either.